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Speedcubing with Jack Cai, George Scholey & Many More | Rubik’s Cube | Fun Video for Kids

Duration: 27:06Views: 1.8KLikes: 51Date Created: May, 2022

Channel: Rubik's

Category: Gaming

Tags: rubic cubesolve rubik cubesolve rubik’s cuberubik cube championshipssolve rubic cube rubik’s cube championshipsrubics cube championshipsspeed cubingrubik's speed cuberubik cuberubic cube championshipssolve rubics cuberubix cuberubics cuberubic’s cubesolve rubic’s cuberubik cuberscubersrubiks cube championshipsrubik's cubersrubik’s cuberubiks cubesolve rubiks cuberubic’s cube championships

Description: Learn more about speedcubing from these awesome ambassadors! We have Jack Cai, master of the blindfolded events, George Scholey, champion of the UK, and many more! Invented in 1974 by Ernõ Rubik, a professor from Budapest in Hungary. The colour-matching puzzle toy was created to help students understand three-dimensional problems. The prototype ‘Magic Cube’ did things that the world had not seen before. It turned, it twisted and yet it did not break. Adding 54 colourful stickers to the six sides gave the puzzle its iconic look. With 450 million sold globally, the Rubik’s Cube is bigger than ever!

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